The small town of Talent, Oregon is blessed with two medical cannabis dispensaries, and a third will open soon. At the same time, neighboring Phoenix, Oregon has shuttered the doors of its single (thriving) dispensary and nearby Medford tries to discourage all things marijuana. The old saying is “all politics is local.” It does look like, at some point at least, that “all marijuana politics is local” too.
Michael Monarch, CEO of Green Valley Wellness in Talent, Oregon discusses some of the details, political and otherwise, in establishing a first class medical marijuana dispensary in Oregon’s new wild, wild west. Actually, things are not that wild here, more like mellow, at least inside (and outside) Green Valley Wellness. To get underway, Michael and partner Peter Gross effectively lobbied Talent mayor and city council, and helped this chic little city become a dispensary oasis in a desert of cactus-like city councils and county commissioners.
Please check out my interview with Michael Monarch at the Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference (OMMBC) on his challenges, successes, and responses to new legal threats.