The Oregon Marijuana Business Conference (OMBC) throws a ton of essential information out to attendees. These links and notes will help you navigate the ins and outs of licensing your cannabis business under state law. This page will be updated as more information comes to light. If you have any questions or think anything pertinent is missing, please contact: [email protected]
Important Links:
Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Page
Oregon Medical Marijuana Dispensary Program Page
OLCC Recreational Marijuana Main Page
Cities and Counties with Marijuana Bans or Upcoming Public Votes on Bans
General OLCC Fees:
(1) At the time of initial license or certificate application an applicant must pay a $250 nonrefundable application fee.
(2) If the commission approves an application and grants an annual license, the following fees must be paid, prorated for an initial license that is issued for six months or less:
(a) Producers:
(A) Tier I $3750
(B) Tier II $5750
(b) Processors: $4750
(c) Wholesalers: $4750
(d) Retailers: $4750
(e) Laboratories: $4750
(3) At the time of license or certificate application renewal an applicant must pay a $250 nonrefundable application fee. If the commission approves an application and grants a research certificate, the fee shall be $4750 for a three year term.
(4) If the commission approves a renewal application the renewal license or certificate fees must be paid in the amounts specified in subsection (2) of this rule.
(5) If the commission approves an initial or renewal application and grants a marijuana handler permit the individual must pay a $100 permit fee.
(6) The Commission shall charge the following fees:
(a) Criminal background checks: $50 per individual (if the background check is not part of an initial or renewal application)
(b) Change of ownership review: $1000 per license
(c) Change in business structure review: $1000 per license
(d) Transfer of location of premises review: $1000 per license
(e) Packaging preapproval: $100
(f) Labeling preapproval: $100
Proof of residency:
(C) Proof of residency documented by providing:
(i) Oregon full-year resident tax returns for the last two years; or
(ii) Utility bills, rental receipts, mortgage statements or similar documents that contain the name and address of the applicant dated at least two years prior to the date of application and from the most recent month.
For an individual listed as a person with a financial interest:
(A) Information or fingerprints for a criminal background check in accordance with OAR 845-025-1080; (B) An Individual History Form and any information identified in the form that is required to be submitted; and
(c) A map or sketch of the premises proposed for licensure, including the defined boundaries of the premises and the location of any primary residence located on the same tax lot or parcel as the licensed premises;
(d) A floor or plot plan sketch of all enclosed areas with clear identification of walls, partitions, counters, windows, all areas of ingress and egress, and all limited access areas;
(e) Proof of lawful possession of the premises proposed for licensure;
(f) An operating plan that demonstrates at a minimum, how the applicant’s proposed premises and business will comply with the applicable laws and rules regarding:
(A) Security;
(B) Employee qualifications and training;
(C) Transportation of product;
(D) Preventing minors from entering the licensed premises; and
(E) Preventing minors from obtaining or attempting to obtain marijuana items.